Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our Kids

Sunil, Sagar, Kajol, Pinky, and Rahul. Five of the six orphans currently being supported by the India Orphans Fund.

Cutting grass,..........Nisar preparing after church meal,..........Kajol and Pinky singing for church,............and with other church children singing.

Nisar preaching church services in Sept 2008

First floor construction of orphanage, during "rainy season" 6/2008

Water tank, bathroom and electricity in new orphanage building. 5/2008

Kitchen in orphanage..........

and snake found in childrens room..............

Easter services and "love feast" 3/2008

Boundry materials and septic tanks for new orphanage

Nisar preaching at a school.

Pictures from the childrens Christmas program last year 12/2007 .


Apparently the previous video attachments can only be accessed thru my email? So, sorry about that!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The kids say "hello"

Nisar took a video of the kids saying hello to "Uncle March and Aunt April". Makes sense, right? Love hearing their voices and giggling.

Orphanage video 3-4-08

Copy and paste these links to watch video of the orphanage being built. Nisar of Praise Yahweh Ministries is narrating.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

An idea of what things cost........

I thought I would show a sample month of expenses for the 6 children living at the "LOVE GOD HOME" supported through India Orphans fund. Ranjana gives us a monthly report of expenses which varies a little depending on seasonal and school needs. A sample month,...bill expenses in ruppees. Mark gets to transfer the amount into US dollars. See ,...that MBA has totally paid off!

House Rent 2000
(prior to the orphanage building being finished)
House Help (with cooking and cleaning) 2000
Milk bill 620
(buffalo milk delivered from a local farmer, he gives them a discount)
Newspaper Bill (Sagar reads them avidly) 108
Ration (grocery staples) bill 2200
Light bill (electric/generator) 1560
(electric is off 6 hrs a day)
Wheat grinding 50
Gas for cooking 310
Haircuts for children 60
Birthday celebration 100
Petrol (driving) 350
Vegetables (open market) 730
School Supplies 130
The farm couple that provides buffalo
milk to the orphanage.........

The "rations" market......

The vegetable, fruit, and chicken market.................

Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting Started.......

Ranjana looks fussy,...but she's not. Smiling is not their idea of a good photo!
I have been remiss in getting started on this blog,...waiting for someone that was working on the website. I have learned waiting on others ,.may be waiting a long time.I will try to update this site with photos and information from the orphanage and from Ranjana and Nisar. We would like you to know all about the kids and how they are progressing. We want to give you the opportunity to know about their daily lives. Those of you who are supporting this ministry will be so proud of where the kids are when you can see where they come from. My friend, Tonya, (bless her sweet heart and her slick computer skills,) I love her, made a DVD for me of our trip to India and the kids. It has taken me forever to make copies, and will get them out in the mail as soon as possible. I will post some things off of the website, hopefully without repeating too much! SO, we go... I hope the information we share can provide a concern and interest in these people we love on the other side of the planet!

News from India

This is about another orphanage.